“History is a million stories waiting to be told. Some educators call this “Place-Based Education”-learning through the unique history, environment, culture, economy, literature, and art of a particular place-, and while the apps and books will be great classroom companions, they will also be fun for readers interested in exploring the world, art and story, and for traveling families.

But with TTT&T’s virtual tours, people and places come alive and are no longer just facts in a textbook, thereby encouraging kids to literally and figuratively turn history on. Many kids (and adults) find it hard to grasp the distant past they find history boring. I can’t tell you how gratifying and exciting it is to feel the crowd saying ‘Yes! We like your concept and want to help make it happen!” said Sarah Towle, founder and award-winning author and creator of TTT&T. So we decided to go for 50% in one week at which point we’d hit 60.
#Space chef kickstarter tv
By the time our launch event at KidLit TV began, four hours after going live, we’d already hit 22%. “Our hope going into the campaign was to raise 20% in the first week. Incentives include but are not limited to: limited edition Roxie Munro art work, custom live tour of the App, consultations with publishing professionals, and a collection of seasonal Tuscan recipes by Florentine Chef Vincenzo Ferrera of Osteria del Porcellino. Now just ten days in, the campaign-which runs to June 26-has brought in 80 backers pledging more than $25k and been named a “Kickstarter Staff Pick.” Time Traveler Tours & Tales, a ground-breaking publishing imprint that combines the traditional power of story with the magic of the touch screen to create portals to the past, made it more than halfway to its Kickstarter campaign goal of $40k in one week. The book will take readers on a narrative fictionalized journey of how the artist came to immortalize the biblical hero King David who became a symbol of the defense of civil liberties. The story-driven app by international bestselling author Mary Hoffman allow users to meet the young model who posed for David, go behind the scenes touring Florence and walk the streets Michelangelo walked, view archival images, hunt for historical artifacts, and take part in interactive puzzles and games.

Florence is the focus of a new app crowd-funding campaign: In the Footsteps of Giants – Michelangelo’s David Revealed.